Как Go реализует ограничение текущего HTTP-запроса


При разработке системы с высокой степенью параллелизма есть три мощных инструмента для защиты системы: кеширование, переход на более раннюю версию и ограничение тока! эффективным решением является понижение уровня обслуживания, а ограничение тока является одним из наиболее часто используемых решений для деградировавших систем.

Вот библиотека с открытым исходным кодом для всехGithub.com/ Brother Run/Toll B...Однако, если вы хотите что-то простое, легкое или просто хотите научиться, реализовать собственное промежуточное ПО для обработки ограничения скорости не составит труда. Сегодня мы поговорим о том, как реализовать собственное ограничивающее мидлваре

Сначала нам нужно установитьToken bucket(алгоритм ведра токена) пакет зависимостей, реализация упомянутого выше инструментария также основана на нем

  1. $ go get golang.org/x/time/rate

Что ж, давайте сначала посмотрим на реализацию демо-кода:


  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "net/http"
  4. "golang.org/x/time/rate"
  5. )
  6. var limiter = rate.NewLimiter(2, 5)
  7. func limit(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  8. return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request ) {
  9. if limiter.Allow() == false {
  10. http.Error(w, http.StatusText(429 ), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
  11. return
  12. }
  13. next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
  14. })
  15. }


  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "net/http"
  4. )
  5. func main() {
  6. mux := http.NewServeMux()
  7. mux.HandleFunc("/", okHandler)
  8. // Wrap the servemux with the limit middleware.
  9. http.ListenAndServe(":4000", limit( mux))
  10. }
  11. func okHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  12. w.Write([]byte("OK" ))
  13. }


Давайте посмотрим на исходный код rate.NewLimiter:

  1. // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
  3. // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
  4. // Package rate provides a rate limiter.
  5. package rate
  6. import (
  7. "fmt"
  8. "math"
  9. "sync"
  10. "time"
  11. "golang.org/x/net/context"
  12. )
  13. // Limit defines the maximum frequency of some events.
  14. // Limit is represented as number of events per second.
  15. // A zero Limit allows no events.
  16. type Limit float64
  17. // Inf is the infinite rate limit; it allows all events (even if burst is zero).
  18. const Inf = Limit(math.MaxFloat64)
  19. // Every converts a minimum time interval between events to a Limit.
  20. func Every(interval time.Duration) Limit {
  21. if interval <= 0 {
  22. return Inf
  23. }
  24. return 1 / Limit(interval.Seconds ())
  25. }
  26. // A Limiter controls how frequently events are allowed to happen.
  27. // It implements a "token bucket" of size b, initially full and refilled
  28. // at rate r tokens per second.
  29. // Informally, in any large enough time interval, the Limiter limits the
  30. // rate to r tokens per second, with a maximum burst size of b events.
  31. // As a special case, if r == Inf (the infinite rate), b is ignored.
  32. // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket for more about token buckets.
  33. //
  34. // The zero value is a valid Limiter, but it will reject all events.
  35. // Use NewLimiter to create non-zero Limiters.
  36. //
  37. // Limiter has three main methods, Allow, Reserve, and Wait.
  38. // Most callers should use Wait.
  39. //
  40. // Each of the three methods consumes a single token.
  41. // They differ in their behavior when no token is available.
  42. // If no token is available, Allow returns false.
  43. // If no token is available, Reserve returns a reservation for a future token
  44. // and the amount of time the caller must wait before using it.
  45. // If no token is available, Wait blocks until one can be obtained
  46. // or its associated context.Context is canceled.
  47. //
  48. // The methods AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN consume n tokens.
  49. type Limiter struct {
  50. limit Limit
  51. burst int
  52. mu sync.Mutex
  53. tokens float64
  54. // last is the last time the limiter's tokens field was updated
  55. last time.Time
  56. // lastEvent is the latest time of a rate-limited event (past or future)
  57. lastEvent time.Time
  58. }
  59. // Limit returns the maximum overall event rate.
  60. func (lim *Limiter) Limit () Limit {
  61. lim.mu.Lock()
  62. defer lim.mu.Unlock()
  63. return lim.limit
  64. }
  65. // Burst returns the maximum burst size. Burst is the maximum number of tokens
  66. // that can be consumed in a single call to Allow, Reserve, or Wait, so higher
  67. // Burst values allow more events to happen at once.
  68. // A zero Burst allows no events, unless limit == Inf.
  69. func (lim *Limiter) Burst () int {
  70. return lim.burst
  71. }
  72. // NewLimiter returns a new Limiter that allows events up to rate r and permits
  73. // bursts of at most b tokens.
  74. func NewLimiter(r Limit, b int) *Limiter {
  75. return &Limiter{
  76. limit: r,
  77. burst: b,
  78. }
  79. }
  80. // Allow is shorthand for AllowN(time.Now(), 1).
  81. func (lim *Limiter) Allow () bool {
  82. return lim.AllowN(time.Now() , 1)
  83. }
  84. // AllowN reports whether n events may happen at time now.
  85. // Use this method if you intend to drop / skip events that exceed the rate limit.
  86. // Otherwise use Reserve or Wait.
  87. func (lim *Limiter) AllowN (now time.Time, n int) bool {
  88. return lim.reserveN(now, n, 0).ok
  89. }
  90. // A Reservation holds information about events that are permitted by a Limiter to happen after a delay.
  91. // A Reservation may be canceled, which may enable the Limiter to permit additional events.
  92. type Reservation struct {
  93. ok bool
  94. lim *Limiter
  95. tokens int
  96. timeToAct time.Time
  97. // This is the Limit at reservation time, it can change later.
  98. limit Limit
  99. }
  100. // OK returns whether the limiter can provide the requested number of tokens
  101. // within the maximum wait time. If OK is false, Delay returns InfDuration, and
  102. // Cancel does nothing.
  103. func (r *Reservation) OK () bool {
  104. return r.ok
  105. }
  106. // Delay is shorthand for DelayFrom(time.Now()).
  107. func (r *Reservation) Delay () time.Duration {
  108. return r.DelayFrom(time.Now() )
  109. }
  110. // InfDuration is the duration returned by Delay when a Reservation is not OK.
  111. const InfDuration = time.Duration(1<<63 - 1)
  112. // DelayFrom returns the duration for which the reservation holder must wait
  113. // before taking the reserved action. Zero duration means act immediately.
  114. // InfDuration means the limiter cannot grant the tokens requested in this
  115. // Reservation within the maximum wait time.
  116. func (r *Reservation) DelayFrom (now time.Time) time.Duration {
  117. if !r.ok {
  118. return InfDuration
  119. }
  120. delay := r.timeToAct.Sub(now)
  121. if delay < 0 {
  122. return 0
  123. }
  124. return delay
  125. }
  126. // Cancel is shorthand for CancelAt(time.Now()).
  127. func (r *Reservation) Cancel () {
  128. r.CancelAt(time.Now())
  129. return
  130. }
  131. // CancelAt indicates that the reservation holder will not perform the reserved action
  132. // and reverses the effects of this Reservation on the rate limit as much as possible,
  133. // considering that other reservations may have already been made.
  134. func (r *Reservation) CancelAt (now time.Time) {
  135. if !r.ok {
  136. return
  137. }
  138. r.lim.mu.Lock()
  139. defer r.lim.mu.Unlock()
  140. if r.lim.limit == Inf || r.tokens == 0 || r.timeToAct.Before(now ) {
  141. return
  142. }
  143. // calculate tokens to restore
  144. // The duration between lim.lastEvent and r.timeToAct tells us how many tokens were reserved
  145. // after r was obtained. These tokens should not be restored.
  146. restoreTokens := float64(r.tokens) - r.limit.tokensFromDuration (r.lim.lastEvent.Sub(r.timeToAct))
  147. if restoreTokens <= 0 {
  148. return
  149. }
  150. // advance time to now
  151. now, _, tokens := r.lim.advance(now)
  152. // calculate new number of tokens
  153. tokens += restoreTokens
  154. if burst := float64(r.lim.burst); tokens > burst {
  155. tokens = burst
  156. }
  157. // update state
  158. r.lim.last = now
  159. r.lim.tokens = tokens
  160. if r.timeToAct == r.lim.lastEvent {
  161. prevEvent := r.timeToAct.Add(r.limit.durationFromTokens( float64(-r.tokens)))
  162. if !prevEvent.Before(now) {
  163. r.lim.lastEvent = prevEvent
  164. }
  165. }
  166. return
  167. }
  168. // Reserve is shorthand for ReserveN(time.Now(), 1).
  169. func (lim *Limiter) Reserve () *Reservation {
  170. return lim.ReserveN(time.Now() , 1)
  171. }
  172. // ReserveN returns a Reservation that indicates how long the caller must wait before n events happen.
  173. // The Limiter takes this Reservation into account when allowing future events.
  174. // ReserveN returns false if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size.
  175. // Usage example:
  176. // r, ok := lim.ReserveN(time.Now(), 1)
  177. // if !ok {
  178. // // Not allowed to act! Did you remember to set lim.burst to be > 0 ?
  179. // }
  180. // time.Sleep(r.Delay())
  181. // Act()
  182. // Use this method if you wish to wait and slow down in accordance with the rate limit without dropping events.
  183. // If you need to respect a deadline or cancel the delay, use Wait instead.
  184. // To drop or skip events exceeding rate limit, use Allow instead.
  185. func (lim *Limiter) ReserveN (now time.Time, n int) *Reservation {
  186. r := lim.reserveN(now, n, InfDuration)
  187. return &r
  188. }
  189. // Wait is shorthand for WaitN(ctx, 1).
  190. func (lim *Limiter) Wait (ctx context.Context) (err error) {
  191. return lim.WaitN(ctx, 1)
  192. }
  193. // WaitN blocks until lim permits n events to happen.
  194. // It returns an error if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size, the Context is
  195. // canceled, or the expected wait time exceeds the Context's Deadline.
  196. func (lim *Limiter) WaitN (ctx context.Context, n int) (err error) {
  197. if n > lim.burst {
  198. return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) exceeds limiter's burst %d", n, lim.burst )
  199. }
  200. // Check if ctx is already cancelled
  201. select {
  202. case <-ctx.Done():
  203. return ctx.Err()
  204. default:
  205. }
  206. // Determine wait limit
  207. now := time.Now()
  208. waitLimit := InfDuration
  209. if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
  210. waitLimit = deadline.Sub(now)
  211. }
  212. // Reserve
  213. r := lim.reserveN(now, n, waitLimit)
  214. if !r.ok {
  215. return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) would exceed context deadline", n )
  216. }
  217. // Wait
  218. t := time.NewTimer(r.DelayFrom(now ))
  219. defer t.Stop()
  220. select {
  221. case <-t.C:
  222. // We can proceed.
  223. return nil
  224. case <-ctx.Done():
  225. // Context was canceled before we could proceed. Cancel the
  226. // reservation, which may permit other events to proceed sooner.
  227. r.Cancel()
  228. return ctx.Err()
  229. }
  230. }
  231. // SetLimit is shorthand for SetLimitAt(time.Now(), newLimit).
  232. func (lim *Limiter) SetLimit (newLimit Limit) {
  233. lim.SetLimitAt(time.Now() , newLimit)
  234. }
  235. // SetLimitAt sets a new Limit for the limiter. The new Limit, and Burst, may be violated
  236. // or underutilized by those which reserved (using Reserve or Wait) but did not yet act
  237. // before SetLimitAt was called.
  238. func (lim *Limiter) SetLimitAt (now time.Time, newLimit Limit) {
  239. lim.mu.Lock()
  240. defer lim.mu.Unlock()
  241. now, _, tokens := lim.advance(now)
  242. lim.last = now
  243. lim.tokens = tokens
  244. lim.limit = newLimit
  245. }
  246. // reserveN is a helper method for AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN.
  247. // maxFutureReserve specifies the maximum reservation wait duration allowed.
  248. // reserveN returns Reservation, not *Reservation, to avoid allocation in AllowN and WaitN.
  249. func (lim *Limiter) reserveN (now time.Time, n int, maxFutureReserve time.Duration) Reservation {
  250. lim.mu.Lock()
  251. defer lim.mu.Unlock()
  252. if lim.limit == Inf {
  253. return Reservation{
  254. ok: true,
  255. lim: lim,
  256. tokens: n,
  257. timeToAct: now,
  258. }
  259. }
  260. now, last, tokens := lim.advance(now)
  261. // Calculate the remaining number of tokens resulting from the request.
  262. tokens -= float64(n)
  263. // Calculate the wait duration
  264. var waitDuration time.Duration
  265. if tokens < 0 {
  266. waitDuration = lim.limit.durationFromTokens(-tokens)
  267. }
  268. // Decide result
  269. ok := n <= lim.burst && waitDuration <= maxFutureReserve
  270. // Prepare reservation
  271. r := Reservation{
  272. ok: ok,
  273. lim: lim,
  274. limit: lim.limit,
  275. }
  276. if ok {
  277. r.tokens = n
  278. r.timeToAct = now.Add(waitDuration)
  279. }
  280. // Update state
  281. if ok {
  282. lim.last = now
  283. lim.tokens = tokens
  284. lim.lastEvent = r.timeToAct
  285. } else {
  286. lim.last = last
  287. }
  288. return r
  289. }
  290. // advance calculates and returns an updated state for lim resulting from the passage of time.
  291. // lim is not changed.
  292. func (lim *Limiter) advance(now time.Time) (newNow time.Time, newLast time.Time, newTokens float64 ) {
  293. last := lim.last
  294. if now.Before(last) {
  295. last = now
  296. }
  297. // Avoid making delta overflow below when last is very old.
  298. maxElapsed := lim.limit.durationFromTokens(float64( lim.burst) - lim.tokens)
  299. elapsed := now.Sub(last)
  300. if elapsed > maxElapsed {
  301. elapsed = maxElapsed
  302. }
  303. // Calculate the new number of tokens, due to time that passed.
  304. delta := lim.limit.tokensFromDuration(elapsed)
  305. tokens := lim.tokens + delta
  306. if burst := float64(lim.burst); tokens > burst {
  307. tokens = burst
  308. }
  309. return now, last, tokens
  310. }
  311. // durationFromTokens is a unit conversion function from the number of tokens to the duration
  312. // of time it takes to accumulate them at a rate of limit tokens per second.
  313. func (limit Limit) durationFromTokens(tokens float64) time.Duration {
  314. seconds := tokens / float64(limit)
  315. return time.Nanosecond * time.Duration(1e9*seconds)
  316. }
  317. // tokensFromDuration is a unit conversion function from a time duration to the number of tokens
  318. // which could be accumulated during that duration at a rate of limit tokens per second.
  319. func (limit Limit) tokensFromDuration(d time.Duration) float64 {
  320. return d.Seconds() * float64 (limit)
  321. }

Описание алгоритма:
Если средняя скорость отправки, настроенная пользователем, равна r, то токен добавляется в корзину каждую 1/r секунды (r токенов помещается в корзину каждую секунду), и в корзине может храниться до b токенов. Если к моменту прибытия токена корзина заполнена, токен будет сброшен;

Реализовать ограничение тока детализации пользователя

Хотя в некоторых случаях полезно использовать один глобальный ограничитель скорости, другим распространенным случаем является реализация ограничителей скорости для каждого пользователя на основе идентификаторов, таких как IP-адреса или ключи API. Мы будем использовать IP-адреса в качестве идентификаторов. Простой код реализации выглядит следующим образом:

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "net/http"
  4. "sync"
  5. "time"
  6. "golang.org/x/time/rate"
  7. )
  8. // Create a custom visitor struct which holds the rate limiter for each
  9. // visitor and the last time that the visitor was seen.
  10. type visitor struct {
  11. limiter *rate.Limiter
  12. lastSeen time.Time
  13. }
  14. // Change the the map to hold values of the type visitor.
  15. var visitors = make(map[string] *visitor)
  16. var mtx sync.Mutex
  17. // Run a background goroutine to remove old entries from the visitors map.
  18. func init() {
  19. go cleanupVisitors()
  20. }
  21. func addVisitor(ip string) *rate.Limiter {
  22. limiter := rate.NewLimiter(2, 5)
  23. mtx.Lock()
  24. // Include the current time when creating a new visitor.
  25. visitors[ip] = &visitor{limiter, time. Now()}
  26. mtx.Unlock()
  27. return limiter
  28. }
  29. func getVisitor(ip string) *rate.Limiter {
  30. mtx.Lock()
  31. v, exists := visitors[ip]
  32. if !exists {
  33. mtx.Unlock()
  34. return addVisitor(ip)
  35. }
  36. // Update the last seen time for the visitor.
  37. v.lastSeen = time.Now()
  38. mtx.Unlock()
  39. return v.limiter
  40. }
  41. // Every minute check the map for visitors that haven't been seen for
  42. // more than 3 minutes and delete the entries.
  43. func cleanupVisitors() {
  44. for {
  45. time.Sleep(time.Minute)
  46. mtx.Lock()
  47. for ip, v := range visitors {
  48. if time.Now().Sub( v.lastSeen) > 3*time.Minute {
  49. delete(visitors, ip)
  50. }
  51. }
  52. mtx.Unlock()
  53. }
  54. }
  55. func limit(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  56. return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request ) {
  57. limiter := getVisitor(r.RemoteAddr)
  58. if limiter.Allow() == false {
  59. http.Error(w, http.StatusText(429 ), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
  60. return
  61. }
  62. next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
  63. })
  64. }

Конечно, это просто простое решение реализации. Если мы хотим реализовать ток ограничения в API-шлюзе микросервисов, мы все еще должны рассмотреть много вещей. Рекомендую всем, чтобы увидетьGitHub.com/brotherrun/toll B…исходный код.

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